chrisla;339801 Wrote: 
> In talking to a hardware engineer at the BBQ yesterday, he mentioned
> that the current crop of products with VFDs will likely be the last
> they sell. New stuff will be LCD based. I expressed that was too bad,
> since the VFDs are quite functional and easy to read from across the
> room even if they are not all fancy and modern like.
> That would seem to make such a VFD product pretty unlikely.
> -Chris

Ugh.  I suppose this was bound to happen, general-purpose dot matrix
VFD displays just aren't that popular anymore in consumer devices (as
opposed to customized displays for AV receivers, DVD players etc.)

I love the VFD contrast ratio, readability at a distance and

It's the cost, power inefficiency and heat output that are the issues. 
Too bad.

Mark Lanctot

"Make it so it doesn't suck" is a good design target, but hard to
implement - Michael Herger
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