sk33ve;343329 Wrote: 
> Just wondering if anyone had done any further investigation into this,
> only bumped into the bug yesterday.  Audible support would be a
> fantastic addition I think, especially including support for files that
> contain a bookmark like .aa files.
> I'm happy to help out where possible in getting it working also.

There are at least a few ways to get the sound to your boxes.  The
quickest would be to use the Wave Input plugin - it's a soundboard
capture thing. You'd play the audible file on your PC using normal
Audible method, WaveInput snags the sound and passes it to SC. But the
control would be at your PC, for whatever the software is that plays
the Audible file.

The second choice is a bit more time consuming, but also works. Google
around and you'll get some ideas on what to do, using free software.

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