snarlydwarf;344187 Wrote: 
> Conversion is very dependent on what you do... I convert to a 64k mp3
> stream to listen to music at work, but don't do any other on the fly
> conversion.
> You say you have SC already... so don't you know how it performs with
> your collection?  Or are you talking about on a new machine?

Thank you Snarlydwarf. 

I'm using a NAS (500Mhz / 256Mo) and i'm quite happy for the moment.
But, as my library is growing, i experiment some real or potential
issues or limits with my current server hardware:

=> Streaming and Synching FLAC streams on several players

=> Transcoding on the fly some "non native" streams (m4a for example) 

=> Scanning a big library (very time consuming)

=> UI ergonomics (responsivness) when browsing and searching a "big"
database, using CustomBrowse plugins to deal with classical music
specific organization.

So, i'm thinking on the best hardware (small, silent, powerfull,
secure, and reliable) to use. 

I'm glad to share opinion and experience to refine my "specs".



Synology DS207+ (FW722) / SSODS 3.0 Beta14 | SC 7.2.1-23233 (LINUX) ->
SB3 - Duet/SBR - SBB
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