Fletch;345237 Wrote: 
> Precompiled versions of these required perl binaries are included with
> SC in CPAN/arch/...  You might want to first try starting SC with
> --d_startup to figure out why your installation can't seem to find
> them.

--d_startup doesn't help that much, but looking in CPAN/arch gives some
clues. CPAN/arch has directories 5.10 and 5.8 for
x86_64-linux-thread-multi. After downloading most of the modules,
5.10.0/x86_64-linux was created. So I'm suspecting that the Perl build
isn't threaded, and for some reason the minor revision number isn't
being ignored by SC hence creating and looking for 5.10.0 instead of
5.10. I'll look at rebuilding Perl first of all.

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