here are a few cents of mine:

i ran my SC7 on windows 2003 server on a really resource-starved 700MHz
PIII - equivalent with 1GB RAM (a VIA ITX system). playing apple worked
just fine (even with mov123) *unless* my server was busy doing
something else. symptoms:

playing an apple track the first time took about 20-25 seconds to
playback started then stuttered or stopped after some seconds
good wlan signal (40-60%)
network diagnostics showed nothing untoward
buffer dropping to zero

i discovered my server was sometimes so busy that it could not decode
apple and re-code to FLAC fast enough. (i used the windows performance
monitor for this). using mov123, my via cpu would clock in at about 40%
(!) cpu usage to decode aac and re-code to flac...

i changed the transcoding settings to output WAV, which reduced the cpu
cycles enough (to about 30%) to provide a reasonably steady stream
*most* of the time.

other times, i just had to shut down some cpu/ram hogging apps (emule
was the worst, keeping the web-UI open second!) to make it work

does your vista machine seem sluggish sometimes?
and did you try connecting through a wire? if that works fine, you
obviously have a WLAN problem. if not, you have a server problem.

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