hey toke!

also a new qnap user here. the qnap is linux based and follows
completely different path names, which make your windows-generated
lists pretty much useless. :-( (mine, too!)

you need to find and replace the windows paths with the appropriate
linux/qnap paths to make them work.

its not too difficult. here is what i did to fix that:

1. open the m3u in windows notepad (or any other editor).
2. find and replace:
drv:\music\... (your windows path) --> /volume1/Music/ (your qnap
i found the qnap's exact path by checking the music folder in SC's
3. find and replace: \ --> /
4. save the playlist in SC's designated playlist folder
5. rescan playlists in SC


keep in mind that linux is case-SenSItiVe, so take care when replacing!

BUT: once that is done, the playlists are unusable in windows... :-(
(so much for windows and linux being able to "integrate")
right now i am trying to find a way to edit linux-compatible playlists
from within windows.

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