I'm hoping someone can tell me where to find what I'm looking for...

Having owned a squeezebox for around a year now, I still find myself
reverting back to Winamp Media Library when I need to find songs or
build complex playlists. It has a very simple but extremely powerful
search interface that allows you to just type any phrase (including
alpha, numeric, or symbols) and then all the tags are searched globally
without any need so specify which tag you want to search within.
Additionally, the words in your phrase are searched independantly. In
other words, searching for "disco 2000" will instantly find all songs
with a year tag of "2000" AND a genre tag of "disco". It will also find
the song "disco 2000" by pulp, if that happens to be what I'm looking

To me this seems like a no-brainer, and yet I can find no such facility
built in to SqueezeCenter.

The closest I've found is the LazySearch plugin. This is a great little
tool and I use it a lot when I'm on the sofa using just the remote.
However, it's clearly not intended to replace proper searches done from
the Squeezecenter interface and only hints at what can be done with a
Winamp search.

Please help! I'd be delighted if someone could embarass me by saying
that i've missed something that has been there all along :)

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