A couple years ago, I found out about the Roku Soundbridge and snagged
one.  I wasn't looking for a way to serve my own music, but for a way
to listen to Internet radio through the "real" stereo without having to
connect a computer.  I loved it so much that I bought another one just
for the bedroom.

After a while, I decided to try running its server software to play
back some of my live music downloads, most of which were (and still
are) FLAC.  I wasn't so impressed...sound quality was OK, but the lack
of true gapless playback really annoyed me.  It also bothered me that
the forced resampling to 48k destroyed DTS.  Still, I loved the little
boxes for the radio capability and still think that they're a good deal
if that's your primary focus.

After a while I heard about the Squeezebox and, when a friend asked
what he should get, I told him that I liked the Roku well enough, but
that it looked like the Squeezebox was better.  So he bought one and
began raving about it, which in turn got me to give in and buy
one...and then another.  I gave away one of the Rokus and still use the
other in another room.

The downside to the Squeezebox is that I suddenly got obsessed with
getting all of my live, rare stuff (CD-DA, FLAC, SHN) onto a server. 
So I had to spend big bucks for a NAS and am still working on getting
all the music onto it.  I'm also loading up a few "normal" (i.e.,
official/mainstream) CDs, but my collection has got to be in the 2,500
range, so I'm definitely not making the same effort to convert

I love that I can listen to downloads without all the annoyance and
unpleasant additional sounds or interrutions that can happen when
trying to listen through the computer.  I also appreciate that
SqueezeCenter runs nicely on a cheap Ubuntu box, so I can have my
Windows machine do all its normal Windowsy stupidity without
interrrupting the music.

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