pippin;354239 Wrote: 
> Why does it have to be officially sanctioned?
> Maybe it's enough if it's good?

I don't think it has to be, but there are advantages.

In the case of Sonos, having an official application helps to maintain
feature equivalence between controller options. There were some 3rd
party options, but they were unable to surface all the of the 3rd party
music services like Napster and Rhapsody or browse using Album Art like
the official application does.

Even if they did, on the day of the release of Sonos 2.7 they wouldn't
have supported any of the new additions like last.fm and Radiotime with
it's podcasts etc. This would have meant that 3rd party application
users had to wait for the developer to get up to speed on the new
functions and then write/test new code. This can all take time, during
which the iPod owner would be missing core functions.

As it is, Sonos delivered a new iPhone application on the day of
release of 2.7. Going forward there will be concurrent releases and
feature equivalence meaning a Sonos owner can invest in an Apple
controller with the reassurance that it will always support all the
newer features going forward. You just couldn't get that with a 3rd
party plug-in that's not even guaranteed to have another release.


Ben - eco conscious techie and author of Jaffa's Green Blog -
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