I have just updated SC to 7.2.1 from 7.2 and the TP to the latest (63 I
believe) having decided to avoid tip betas and just go with the main
updates a long time ago.

I have a digital input with a real CD player on it as a favorite (press
& hold 0 to get CD) I now cannot get any sound from the CD  player input
- was working fine before. I thought this was a bug fixed LONG long ago.
If I manually select digital inputs and scroll through I can get the
sound working in the end - but it seems to be flaky to get it going.

Has anyone else noticed this? 
Is there a work around?

It is particularly awkward as the main reason for the CD player on a
digital input is to allow the wife to play her 'real' CDs easily. I am
now in deep 'doo dah' again as it doesn't work any more.

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