I am a relative newbie to Squeezecenter and in reading this forum I find
there are so many things that it can do other than just play chosen
music off your HD.  I find myself, and would assume other new users
feel the same, confused about the functionality of many of the plugins.

My hope is that this thread will expose:

1.  most used plugins
2.  purpose expressed in layman terms
3.  basic setup of the plugin to give a good starting point for new

My favorite so far is Musicip.  Had some problems in getting it set up
and am still experimenting with the settings.  

Purpose for me is to explore my music collection.  I found myself
listening to basically the same songs and cd's over and over.  Musicip
creates a mix based on its own analysis of your music.  This mix can be
customized in many different ways which will yield different mixes based
on user defined parameters set in the setting menu of squeezecenter. 
The result is often exposure to music that has been forgotten or
overlooked for far to long.  I'm still playing with the settings but
m'ip has already exposed me to long forgotten favorites.

A special thanks to the developers who spend their time not only
developing the Plugins but also support those of us who use them.

Bert57's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=19024
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=54470

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