I'll throw my two cents in and day that I'm amost positive an EEE Box
would work find for a SC server.  I've not used an EEE Box, but am
running Squeezecenter on a very underpowered rig: mini-ITX platform
with a VIA Eden fanless 600mhz CPU, 256mb RAM, WinXP, and a ton of hard
drive space.  Performance with a Duet bundle has been generally fine, as
long as you don't need to use the web SC interface.  At times (not
often) the Controller is slow to respond or bring up a sub-menu, but I
expect that given the architecture.  

As I said, I'm using this to run a Duet bundle currently, but intend to
expand with an additional SBR and Boom in the near future.  I worry that
syncronizing and streaming to multiple players will be too much of a
strain for this little server, and am considering an EEE Box as a
longer term solution.  If a VIA Eden, which is a 5 year old low-power
design, can run one player fine, the modern Atom platform should be
more than sufficient for any SC needs.

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