KingTubby wrote:
> All was fine, I was happily listening to music streamed to my amp from
> my vista PC. Then it stopped. And now I can't get the squeezebox to
> connect to my pc. It sits there with a slow flashing red light.
> I have a feeling that my PC/Linksys Router unilaterally decided to re
> configure themselves and try as I might I can't get it to connect
> again.
> How can this happen without me actually touching anything?

We need to get a "fill this template out for help" just like over at the 
JP1 web page...

Your client hardware? How you are connected? ...are just 2 questions 
which need to be answered before other SqueezeCenter users can help.


I'm guessing...  You have this all cabled together and you are using a 
duet?  I'd check to make sure the server is still running.  Point your 
browser at it.  While you are at it check if it still sees the duet.  If 
not, I would power cycle everything (AFAIK, this is SOP for a Windoze 
box).  (Yes, I like Linux better!)

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