andynormancx;355547 Wrote: 
> Have you played with an iPhone or Touch though ? It sounds like you
> haven't.
> The good news is that for mainly list based apps, like the Squeezebox
> apps are going to be, you only need one hand. Your beer can stay safely
> in your other hand.
> The iPhone interface really is like no other remote, phone or mp3
> player interface (though I haven't played with the HTC Touch stuff
> much, which I imagine has borrowed some bits). You really can hold it
> in one hand and navigate with your thumb.
> You only need to resort to a second hand when typing text, clicking on
> links in webpages or if you want fine control of zooming in and out of
> web pages and images.
> I take your point on the lack of physical buttons for things like
> volume and track skipping and I doubt the apps will be able to hijack
> the iPhones own volume buttons unfortunately.
> I know I sound like a complete Apple fanboy, but I'm not. I use the
> best tool that I can find for the job in hand. For my servers that is
> Linux, for my .net development machines that is Windows, for my
> phone/pda/quick web browser/games machine/portable mp3 player/emailer
> that is the iPhone. When we have a native iPhone app I imagine it will
> also take over most of my Squeezebox controlling tasks too.

I agree entirely with this, the iPhone is an excellent tool for the
above and I look forward to having a native app for my Duet and
hopefully a Boom. I think I would mainly use it for the Boom and use it
to control in the bedroom and the Duet controller in the living room.

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