it seems that vorbis files with artwork in them will play fine on my
SB3s, but will cause the FFW/REW to break. when i try to FFW/REW, the
message: "problem: cant open file for..." appears and the SB skips to
the next song. other vorbis files (without albumart) will FFW fine. the
artwork i add is usually ~20Kbyte in size and i use jaikoz audio tagger
2.6.1 to do it. my setup:

SqueezeCenter Version: 7.2 - 22900 @ Tue Aug 26 10:59:02 PDT 2008 -
Linux - EN - utf8
Server IP address:
Perl Version: 5.8.8 armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27 
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Hostname: Turbonas
Server Port Number: 9001
Total Players Recognized: 2

Player InformationName: Bedroom
Model: Squeezebox v3
Firmware: 112
The IP address for this player is:
The Ethernet MAC address for this player is: 00:04:20:07:4e:dc
Wireless Signal Strength: 49

is this perhaps related to this bug?
(i specifically try to keep the artwork <32Kbyte due to this bug)

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