danco;361036 Wrote: 
> One of the issues with AppStore, unlike software for one's main
> computer, is that there doesn't seem to be any mechanism for free trial
> download with later purchase of a license.

The iPeng plugin has been around for quite a while and has allowed for
refinement of the software in the context of a web interface. The
difficulty with a web interface of course is that it is inherently
slow; the iPeng native app should show the feature-set which made the
iPeng plugin a winner, but with the speed inherent to an application. 

If you have not had a chance to check out the iPeng plugin, you should
(it's free). I have been a huge fan since its release, and the
implementation of simultaneous multi-player control makes it - for me -
the hands-down winner of any of the currently available remote options.


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