pippin;363683 Wrote: 
> OK, those artwork issues will be fixed on the first upgrade release.
> I don't fully understand what's happening, though. I DO request 75x75
> images from the server and, yes, after that I assume I got that format
> (in album view). I've never seen the server returning something else.
> Could you do me the favor and go to "search" view and check if
> everything is fine there (e.g. by searching for one of the problematic
> albums). Search scales so it should be fine...

I have done some more research into the album art display fault. It
narrows down to embedded art which is .bmp.
Squeezecenter also exhibits a problem with this artwork, but slightly
differently. When I go into album list for the offending track, I
notice that, momentarily, the art of that track shows large, it then
shrinks back to the right size. However, if the track is selected and
is displayed in the Now playing screen, it is again too big and
overlays the track details.
I shall probably work through my collection and weed out .bmp art and
replace it with .jpg.

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