rksingla;365192 Wrote: 
> I have SC 7.2 running on a ReadyNAS Duo that works pretty well.  My
> wife, however, is not that happy with the SqueezeController navigation
> menus, particularly using it to find a specific album out of the 300 or
> so on there.   The web interface to SC is too slow to use, and I don't
> know if that is the ReadyNAS or SC or both.
> In any case, can she use SqueezePlay on her Mac to interface with SC
> and control the various Squeezebox receivers around the house?  That is
> what it sounds like from the forums.  If so, is there a version of
> SqueezePlay that works with SC 7.2?  I downloaded a SqueezePlay 7.3 but
> couldnt get that to connect to my SC; i assume its not backwards
> compatible.
> Any help would be appreciated.

Squeezeplay is beta tied to 7.3.  I suggest just waiting till 7.3 gets

Jeff Flowerday
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