jazztime;366626 Wrote: 
> Is it possible to make the progress bar on the now playing screen
> larger/longer? That way it will be easier to move the slider. Like the
> way it is in the iTouch apple music app (mp3 player)- where the two
> symbols (repeat and crossfade?) is placer under the playing time and
> remaining time.
Hm. I'll play around with it a bit.
The problem is: the second row hold the TrackStat rating stars, which
are only available if you've got TrackStat installed.
On the other hand I will probably need to show it all the time anyway
for the next release, but then ther's something else.....
Short: Let's see...
> BTW: Pippin, did you se my suggestion about tracknumbers in post 283?

Yesm I saw that one. Did I not reply? Sorry.
I see the point and I'm thinking about how to apply them, I don't want
them to take up as much space as in the playlist.


see iPeng at penguinlovesmusic.com
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