sjschaff;375047 Wrote: 
> Are you running XP or Linux?  I was thinking of installing Ubuntu on the
> Aspire One since I've left the world of Windows far behind.  Oh, and I'd
> be fully wireless running both a Transporter and SqueezeBox.

Can't speak for wcs, but I think you are making a very sound choice. 
Either OS will do you fine, so choose one for ideological reasons by
all means. The only reason I would consider XP is better support for
ripping, tagging and transcoding on the server machine, (EAC,
dBPoweramp, and friends).

I would do precisely what you are proposing if I had a need to build
another music server.  Instead I an running a very old Shuttle small
form factor PC, which has lower specs than your netbook approach. So I
know you will get at least as good results, probably better.



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