Hi guys, this is my first post here since I took delivery of my SB2
about a week ago. The SB2 is great and and has surpassed my

I've got a small issue and I'm not sure if it's something I've done or
whether it was the upgrade to Slimserver 6.1.2. Anyway, the SB2 display
is defaulting to the words "Now Playing" but before it used to display
the artist and title that was playing. I can change it to display the
artist and title with the keypad but it changes back to "Now Playing"
(presumably after a refresh). I'd obviously like it to display the
artist and title of the currently playing music - can anyone tell me
what I need to do to get the old display back

I'm sure there's an easy solution, so I'm sorry and thanks in advance.

regards from downunder


This is a good start - I even posted in the wrong forum:-O. Can an
administrator move this to the beginners forum - sorry.

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