Yeah I started a thread on this ages ago, when the SB/DS stuff was
coming in the Linn forum, but no-one cared.

IMO Logitech should have started licensing their system ages ago, as
lots of established audiophile players like Linn, Naim, Meridian,
McIntosh and the like are getting into streaming players.  They can do
the sound, to the satisfaction of their customers, but have little
experience with the streaming systems.

The cost of a slave Receiver is negligible (I use a slave SB3 as a
second display now I have upped my Booms!).  Sure Logitech are getting
some sales from this, but what they want is a fully integrated system
that just works, with people buying one Linn/Mc/Meridian or whatever,
and half a dozen Booms, Receivers and SB Classics.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell, Ack Dac, Audion Quattro, Welborne DRD 300Bs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As
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