
Recently I have found that Rhapsody channels are working much better,
not sure if was 7.3 upgrade or Rhapsody fixing stuff but either way it
seems a lot better than it was.  However it still fails sometimes and
here is what I have noticed...

Rhapsody channels occasionally play tracks that they apparently have no
right to play, t is not uncommon to hear a track on a channel that is
neither listed nor available on Rhapsody.  I have always assumed this
was because it was available at one time and got stuck in rotation, but
then they lost their rights.  Anyway what I have noticed is that song
will play fine, but within a couple of tracks everything hangs up with
the authentication error.

I have some artist channels that are much worse than others and I have
noticed this correlation to frequency of non-authorized tracks.  Maybe
it is something you can think about.

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