The 7.3.x and 7.4 betas have the WHS installer (MSI file extension). I
have been running 7.4 beta for a while and it is very stable. If you
don't want to run a beta, there are some good instructions for
installing the old way (exe file) on the ripcaster site.  

There is currently a bug in the WHS installer where it will list every
version in the "installed add-ins" list unless you uninstall via the
console before installing each update.  If you don't update often, it
shouldn't be a big deal to do it that way.

With the WHS installer, you also get a Squeezecenter tab in the console
which allows you to start/stop SC, run cleanup tasks, and a few other

You may want to read this thread for details:

Enjoy the HP MediaSmart. One thing to keep in mind, if you plan to use
the PVConnect (Twonky server) that comes with the HP server, you will
want to set Squeezecenter to use a different port. I tried running
Twonky on a different port, but never could get it to work right, and
ended up removing Twonky.

Couldn't you still use your Netgear as backup for the MSS? Unless you
plan to re-purpose the hard drives, of course.


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