epoch1970;406713 Wrote: 
> Interesting.
> The drives were mounted by the OS, or simply on-line in the electrical
> sense ?
> (Generally I won't keep a backup volume mounted once the copy is done;
> too many times I erased the backup and the original...)

I said "mounted filesystems," so they were mounted.  In fact, the
backup partition on the second drive was corrupted while doing a
backup.  So unmounting it after the backup would not have done any
good.  :)

I think that mistakenly deleting files is one of the dangers of RAID
being used for at least temporary backups.  I have a script that
removes write permissions from all directories and files, which gets
run after things are added to the RAID volume.  Kind of a pain, as
backup scripts have to first restore write permission and then remove
again afterward.  However, keeps me from accidentally deleting
something important (which I did once!).

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