Hi, thanks for the replies.

I didn't really want to kick off an argument about Apple being evil for
not conforming to standards and I can understand the problems when a
file has both the Apple Sound Check adjustment and Replay Gain tags.  I
guess preferring the Replay Gain tags over Apple Sound Check where
present makes sense - certainly adding the values together was always a
strange thing to do, but I understand that this at least has been

I agree that I could add Replay Gain tags for both track and album to
all of my files, but am reluctant to do so, mainly because I can find
no easy way to do this on a Mac (an old Mac unable to run Windows).

I think the worry about blowing speakers or hearing damage from my
suggestion seems a bit extreme.  There is no need for such a safety
warning when turning off the Smart Gain setting  (ie "please check that
you do not have your volume set to maximum when doing this because some
songs will now become louder") and I thought Smart Gain chose the Track
or Album setting at the outset based upon the nature of the playlist, so
it shouldn't cause a problem in the middle of a playlist.

At the moment Smart Gain is clever enough to choose between T and A
depending on the playlist (not sure how it does this, but that is
another issue), but if A is not present it defaults to using T.  All I
am asking is that consideration is given instead to defaulting to zero
if A is not present.  I can see this as being relevant to a wider range
of people than just those of us who have fallen for the evil Apple's

Many thanks

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