Gazjam;417627 Wrote: 
> Anyways, what I used to do with the IR remote was if I heard a track I
> liked I would Add it to my Favourites.
> * I there a way to do this on Ipeng interface?
Not directly. You can use TrackInfor when you browse to a Track (e.g.
through Albums, you usually get to TrackInfo by using a "hold" gesture
on a track).
For the current playlist this will come in 1.2
> * Would I get the same functionaliy by creating a playlisy "on the fly"
> - and if so, how would I do it?
What do you mean? You always create a "playlist" when you play
something with your Squeezebox. You can also add tracks instead of
plain playing:

What you can not do so far (another 1.2 feature) is save a playlist.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at
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