sderuiter wrote:
> I've copied all files to a subdir under /usr/bin.
> When I run the command from your wiki, the following output greets me:

Which wiki page are you following?

> Code:
> --------------------
>   Nemo:/usr/bin/ndap/tags/RELEASE_1.0.0# scripts/
>   -bash: scripts/ Permission denied
>   Nemo:/usr/bin/ndap/tags/RELEASE_1.0.0#
 > --------------------

That's because the script hasn't got the executable bit set.

Either use:

Nemo:/usr/bin/ndap/tags/RELEASE_1.0.0# perl scripts/


Nemo:/usr/bin/ndap/tags/RELEASE_1.0.0# chmod +x scripts/
Nemo:/usr/bin/ndap/tags/RELEASE_1.0.0# scripts/

> If I cd to the scripts directory, I get:
> Code:
> --------------------
>   Nemo:/usr/bin/ndap/tags/RELEASE_1.0.0/scripts#
>   -bash: command not found
>   Nemo:/usr/bin/ndap/tags/RELEASE_1.0.0/scripts#
> --------------------

That's because on unix/linux, unlike DOS/Windows, the current directory 
is not in the command path.

To run a command in the current directory, use:

Nemo:/usr/bin/ndap/tags/RELEASE_1.0.0/scripts# ./

> I seem to be unable to run any perl script.

Nope, you are obviously just new to linux/unix. There's a bit of a 
learning curve!


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