Goodsounds;426718 Wrote: 
> Your comments make sense to me.
> I'd posted some months ago that it is unusual for founders to stay
> around for so long after an acquisition. It appears the reason they did
> is that there is a contingent payout from Logitech to Sean et al if 2009
> revenue exceeds certain levels. He would have been motivated to do
> whatever possible to contribute to 2009 performance but in any event
> would have normally been expected to leave after the contingent payout
> either is or isn't achieved. My guess is that there will be more
> departures in the coming months. 
> I welcome the evolution of the basic technology to new forms and hope
> that gives the product line something more than the only modest success
> it has had to date. While the technology is awesome and has done so much
> for the enthusiasts who visit here (and the silent majority who don't),
> the failure to achieve significant market success could ultimately doom
> the whole undertaking. But it may be that it is indeed a niche market of
> limited size.

And there are probably some non-compete provisions in there too,
otherwise, one might expect to see Sean move to video players (and maybe
he still can as video might just have been a gleam in the eye when
Logitech first purchased Slim Devices).  Though reading Sean's comments
on the forum, he's always seemed to be an "audio" guy.

I don't disagree that the market hasn't become as large as some have
wished for. Though personally I think it's kind of cool having something
really special that everyone else doesn't have.  Nonetheless, everyone
I've introduced to the SB lineup to has been sufficiently impressed, and
many have purchased product.  At this point, I doubt if too many of them
would be willing to go back to just a "radio."  We've all read comments
about SB or Sonos, and the desire to dump particular product.  I can't
recall ever reading that someone wants to dump the technology and go
back to FM radio.

Famous people have often uttered a phrase similar to "I worked 20 years
and finally I'm an overnight success."  The Internet digital revolution
is working it's way down that same path - Squeezebox included.  Before
too long, all the major HiFi manufacturers will jump on the band wagon
too.  It may be slow, but the train is coming.

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