Locuth;435917 Wrote: 
> It's really time for a proper manual.
> Hopefully I'll start tomorrow.

I hope you start with German at beginning a little part and than this
little part is done in English.

I did focus my Girlfriend today to do a Rushian and a Romanian
translation :-)

I know as a woman she hates to read technical manual. So from technical
point maybe as result a additional easy reding womans manual. So one
what is for the hardcore users here and a softcore one for easy reading
like a woman's magacine like the Cosmopolitan.
If some are laughing. I speak serious.

Lets do together such a promotional magacine together. I think here are
enough developers with graphical photo and other skills and i am shure
together if we start together we will have a lot of fun. In the impress
each one who helps can be proud to be inside the impress. Maybe at a
later point a real print can be offered together with the application.
Journalists will like it if we do it realy lovely.
Only one question will be open. Who is the cover girl on this womans
magacine. I hope for not much fights in this.

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