Phil Leigh;437927 Wrote: 
> Ah - OK. 98K tracks will take a while. On my system I'd expect that to
> take maybe 3-4 hours?

Because of the duration I seldom do a wipe and rescan. The last time
(before this 18 hours session) I think it took 6-8 hours. A scan for new
and changed music will take about two hours, or a little less.  

Phil Leigh;437927 Wrote: 
> You might like to try and do what I do, and set no music folder and then
> use MusicIP as the source for all data (not just mix status). At least
> that way you will only do 1 read of the files...

Thanks, but I have deliberately chosen not to do that, because all my
tags would not be imported into SC that way (I cannot now remember
exactly what the problem was). I would rather skip the MusicIP-import
altogether, i.e. not use MusicIP. Still, if it takes 18 hours with
MusicIP-import and three hours less without it, I think that is also too

I am hoping to get some more suggestions in the forum and then apply
the suggested measures (including disabling MusicIP), cross my fingers
and take a deep breath and do another wipe and rescan and hope for the
best. For me, the wipe and rescan takes too long to resort to testing
the measures one by one.

Another thing I will do before the next wipe and rescan is to disable
completely CustomScan. Now I scan automatically for two custom tags,
REVIEW and ORIGYEAR, where REVIEW can contain a lot of text (the review
from AMG). All other scans in CustomScan are set to Manual, i.e. they
should not be performed during a wipe and rescan. Could this CustomScan
have anything to do with the long scanning time?

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