Hi - This is a great tool! Thanks! I'm having a couple of minor problems
with it though that I'm not able to fix.  

First, perhaps similar to the 'á' problem mentioned above, I have an
artist tag of 'Quatuor Ysaÿe', and this gets printed in the catalog as
'Quatuor Ysa�e', meaning an unprintable character, and the album
art for this folder is not shown in the catalog.  The more common accent
characters and umlaut characters (ö, ó, é, etc.) all seem to come out OK

Second, and more frustrating, is that I can't get a couple of artist
tags to print the right words.  I ran ACC a first time and saw that some
artists came out as 'Unknown' and some Album Titles were incorrect. I
used MP3tag and saw that these tags were incorrect in the flac files, so
I corrected them with MP3tag, rescanned the library, and ran ACC again.
Most of my corrections came out correctly this time, but there were
still about 6 'Unknown' artist entries and one with 'u mon. FEZ. CD 1'
that appeared not to have been changed, even though the corresponding
album titles got changed ok.  I went back into MP3tag to check them, and
all these tags appear correctly there as what I had changed them to, I
cannot find an 'Unknown' or 'u mon. FEZ. CD 1' anywhere in any tag.  I
have cleared and rescanned my library, rebooted my computer,
re-downloaded ACC, re-corrected the tags in MP3tag, and anything else I
could think of, but I cannot get rid of these incorrect printouts and
cannot find them anywhere in my actual tags. This is driving me nuts!

My setup is this: The flac files are on a headless linux server, and
both the SqueezeCenter software and ACC are running on a networked
Windows XP PC.  The music library folder identified to the squeezecenter
on the PC contains only one file, a 'shortcut' file that references the
shared music folder on the Linux server. I did not seem to need to make
your suggested changes for accessing a remote server, since the Windows
shortcut seems to work OK - I can add new music, change title spellings,
rearrange folders, etc, and these nearly always are picked up correctly
by ACC.  It is just these few 'ghost' artist tags that I can't fix.  Any

Thanks again for a great tool.


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