I've been using the SB for a few years. I love it when it works. But I
would never recommend it to anyone, at least not without a long list of
caveats. These last few years have been full of frustrations and
opportunities to keep my vocabulary of expletives well tuned.

That being said, I do have to admit it is getting more stable. I have
been able to do upgrades without bringing my system crashing down on me.
That is progress. And secondly I have tried to replace it a few times
over the years with something that is suppose to be more stable. But I
find myself keep coming back due to the UI, which I guess I have just
gotten comfortable with. A for the flexibility that I haven't found

The Sonos is an obvious replacement, but I just haven't been willing to
put out the $1K. Besides that little screen on their controller leaves
me cold. I am using a WiFi equipped 7" netbook to run SC and act as a
portable remote control, and am even thinking of going larger (to save
my aging eyes). I like being able to see lots of albums or artists
listed in front of me. It often inspires to play something I hadn't
thought of playing.

Now if you could just come up with a way to stop my netbook losing its
connection with my NAS and forcing me to rescan my library. That may be
the thing that eventually drives me to Sonos.

regalma1's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=6658
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