iPhone;453863 Wrote: 
> So if the moon landings didn't happen, where did all that money go and
> get spent on?
Oh, well...
> We did get more then just Tang out of all the research it took to land
> a man on the moon. Also why bother to launch the Saturn 5 if you're just
> going to fake it? I was there and saw the hug mother leave the pad. 
That's the one thing that I really adore about this: It's so much more
difficult to actually FAKE a moon landing than to just do it: All the
tens of thousands of people you have to silence. Including the Russians.
I bet it's even more expensive. A real masterpiece. And you have to
admit the only thing that must be even more cool than a Saturn V launch
is a Saturn V launch for NOTHING!
Basements, OTOH...


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