This may be a silly question but I have a bunch of RTI in-wall remotes
that control my audio from different rooms.  I have a SB3 that for the
most part plays Pandora all the time and so it makes it easy for someone
in a bedroom to hit "Squeezebox Audio" and start listening to music.  I
have a basic command/macro set up to fire an IR command when the user
clicks "Squeezebox Audio".  The command fires the following SB3 IR
commands:"Power on", "Play".  This is fired anytime the button is
clicked in any room.  I have to do this because I have no way for the
remotes to know if the SB3 is currently "ON" and if for some reason the
SB3 stops or loses power for some reason, I need the remote to fire
commands to turn it on and play.  The issue is that if the SB3 is
currently playing, firing a "Play" again command from a different room
causes the SB3 to skip to the next song.  My question is:  I there a way
to disable the "Play" button's “skip” function or some other solution
anyone can think of?

Hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance for any help.

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