> I hadn't seen the animation on my own, thanks to FlashBlock.

Same here - I was a bit confused when I saw the first post complaining
about it!

While I don't care too much for the animation, I don't so much mind all
the recent changes in the software - if nothing else it keeps the
product interesting for me, anyway.    I like everything about the "My
Apps" change save the name - which I can deal with.   It puts pretty
much all the services I use in one, easy to nav spot which is a big
improvement over the way it was presented in 7.3.3

There will be some things to work out as time moves forward, but I've
been using SC since 6.5 and I believe we have come a long ways since
then - and for what I do, the system was fully functional for me then -
it's just better now.   I am still very happy with my purchases - they
do everything I want and more.  The family enjoys them and doesn't mind
the occasional change in software either.

Everything that makes the SB line great is still there - it may be
shuffled around a bit, but you'll get used to it & once you do, if it
were suddenly set back to the way it was, chances are the same people
would be complaining - human nature.....

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