> Also every time that the DUET controller restarts I would get a message
> saying I have just upgraded to 7.4 and have to click on Continue. I
> restarted it about 10 times - still the same message every time.

Were you connected to a SB2 or SB3 that requires you hold down the
brightness button in order to update the firmware?

I have several different devices on my network and found that with the
upgrade to 7.4 if I booted up and connected to one of my SB3's that I
had not yet upgraded the firmware on I would get this message on the SBC
- as if I were standing there looking at it's VFD.

> On 7.4 I experience timeouts and clicks and gaps in the music and loss
> of audio all the time for 100ms or so. Every few seconds during
> playback, including some rebuffering messages.

I get some audio anomalies occasionally while playing back on the SBC
with 7.4.    No biggie though, especially since it is clear they're
working on this functionality (which is still in beta) --- now I can
listen to Pandora and Rhapsody (one or the other of which didn't work at
all before).   It's just a matter of time before playback on the SBC
works well - I'm willing to wait.

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