I'm looking for an additional power supply for the SB2, mainly just to
have another one hanging around so that it's easier to move the SB2
from room to room.

Searching the forums, I came across a bunch of folks (mainly on the
audiophile forum) who were looking to buy or build a linear supply in
hopes that it would sound better than the stock switching supply.  But
interestingly, although there were several inquiries, I couldn't find
any mention of an off-the-shelf linear power supply.

I came across the Elpac WM050-1950-760 for $17.72 at Allied
Electronics.  It's a linear supply.  Is there any reason it won't work
for the SB2?  It's only 1.2A output (the stock is 2A), but IIRC the SB2
needs only .65A.  (Don't rely on my memory; do your own search.)  Folks
over at head-fi.org seem to like the 24V version of the Elpac
(WM080-1950-760) for headphone amps, so I'm guessing the quality is

Any comments?  Any reason this is a bad idea?


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