arztde;467800 Wrote: 
> Was more in my direction i guess... because in another thread i was
> writing in missunderstanding the english topic, that i use it with
> SlimControl and UMTS in my car and let transfer the music via bluetooth
> into my car stereo.

No. That's my own past experience trying to explain to car
manufacturers that they will NOT become rich and famous by offering
three branded "internet" services in their cars for only $100 a month
but focus on just putting the stuff in cars people already want there
and sell that at a healthy profit.

Market told them later and when it did they finally believed it.

I learned my part, too, though which also applies here:
"Not everything that is being done to a product is being done for

I BET there's a car being sold with facebook today, too. The last phone
I bought (no, not an iPhone) had a BIG "works with facebook" sticker,
Who this is done for is investors. The idea is that people who crave to
invest gazillions in a business that only creates losses and probably
ever will but who can't get an entry there might be tempted to route
some of their funds into the stock of some other company that at least
prints the label on their boxes.

And hey, after all that makes sense!


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at
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