Out of pure curiosity I'm really interested to get more insight in the
current Squeezebox Dev-Team !

How many of you are there ?
What are you responsible for ?
Where do you live ?
How often do you meet ? 
How would you call your software-dev-process (scrum, xp, waterfall,
crystal, chaos) ?
Whos your boss ?

So far I know the following, but that's sure not all !

Richard - the man of the firmware, seems to love C - at least he should

Ben - the applet/LUA guy - is he programming with notepad, or does he
has a big secret how LUA-coding can be comfortable ? 
Noah - seems to be resposible for UI design. Has magic glasses which
make fonts look smaller ;)
Andy - seems to the SB-Server guy. Secretly grumbles all the day about
unreadable perl code. In return is forced to be nice in the forum all
the time.
Matt - most diplomatic forum moderator - cannot be made angry - will
try later maybe.
JRichardson - cleans up bugzilla all the time - always moves bugs to
later releases. If I had to choose 'the evil man' I'd choose him. Can't
blame him though, because at work I do the same :)
Micheal - goes round everywhere ... seems to sit alone in switzerland
in a small hut at the top of a snowcapped mountain - how does he keep in
touch with the others (video-conferences through SB-Touch I guess - read
it could not only to the doorbell stuff ...)



1x SB-Controller+Receiver, 1xSB-Boom. Server running on Linkstation NAS
One radio to come when its available
bluegaspode's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31651
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=69284

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