I'm not sure what to expect of the Facebook app, but have 3 queries

1) I set the screen saver (on both SBC and Radio) to the Facebook News
By using Settings\Screen\Screensavers\When Playing\My Facebook

When the screensaver kicks in, it cycles through the 'profile' pictures
of friends who have recently posted new (or status updates) but with no
text. I had expected it to give the actual news updates in text
(overlaid or below profile picture), is this correct behaviour - is it
what everyone sees?

2) the My Players tab of the Facebook page of MSB lists my name for all
players except one SB3 where it shows the account as 1612336715. This is
not listed on the My Account tab.

I suspect that this represents a failed attempt to connect to Facebook
from that SB3 via a Beta version Version: 7.4.0 - r28660. It failed as
you couldn't add uppercase to passwords via SB3

3) Because of the above, I uninstalled Facebook and whilst it was then
removed from MyApps on the SBC, the Facebook Screensaver options were
still listed, even after I power cycled the SBC. Is this a bug?

I think the Facebook app may help some friends solve the WAF issue, so
I'm keen to get it working correctly for me.


P.S. is a separate forum required for Apps, as they don't sit under any
player nor SBS or MSB exclusively.

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