rickwookie;470272 Wrote: 
> I've been using my Harmony 1000 to control one of my SB3s for a good
> while now and not noticed many problems, it's always had descrete ON/OFF
> codes from what I can tell hasn't it?
> If I have any issue (other than feeling stung by Logitech after paying
> for what I feel was an overpriced buggy beta for the Harmony 1100, but
> let's not go there) it's that fact that I can't find the non-descrete
> on/off toggle (like the red button on the original remote) since that's
> the only button I seem to be able to use to get my SB3 to send a WOL
> packet to my server when I'm trying to reconnect to it after changing
> back from SqueezeNetwork.
> Is the power toggle code included now in the database?

The Discrete and Powertoggle commands are now available for all
Squeezebox versions.

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