Mnyb;476356 Wrote: 
> I scanned in two new albums today it worked cover shows up with "new
> and changed scan" . I suppose it is the fact that I have both folder.jpg
> and embedded artwork that ups the chacne that this is working.

I don't have any problems with complete albums where each track is from
the same artist or is an artist from that album. Where it fails for me
is when I create a compilation folder with different artists and
embedded album art in each track. Only the first alphabetical album
artist is displayed for every track. If i remove the first track
embedded album artist the rest seem to work for some reason. But I guess
that's why it's called "Album Art" instead of "Artist Art". If I put a
folder.jpg (or cover.jpg) within the folder that get's displayed

I might add that in 7.3.3 the art from each embedded track was
displayed. It only changed in 7.4.x.

It's not a showstopper and shouldn't detract from the most important
thing which is the music, but it would be nice if they would address the

iPeng seems to work correctly on the iPod touch and I'm tending to use
this more and more over the SBC these days.


P.S. Like you I'm very particular with my album art, no duplicates and
don't use iTunes on the same server as the squeezeboxserver.

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