audiofi Wrote: 
> I think this has covered what you wanted:
> This is to scale, should be the same width as my Rotel amp and the
> screen is the same size as the current one, so the height should also
> be ok for size.

Yes, that's much closer to what I was envisioning!

-- Now it looks like the power button could be left edge, above the
headphone jack.

-- You changed the button order though, and we can get rid of one.  I
really think all you need are these:
-- left-most button is select
-- to the right of that is the left/right button.
-- to the right of that is the volume/up/down knob.

This is very close, though.  No need to re-draw it unless other
suggestions come in; this gets the point across.

There will be many opinions on how it should look.  I think the same
design would look also great in platinum. It has a professional feel
with a minimum set of controls to be able to fit into the realm of
high-end audio (at least from the pictures I've seen, since I don't own
any true high-end stuff.) [Just my opinion, folks.]

Anyway, thank you again for the drawings, Andrew.  Who knows what the
Slim Devices team is working on for future products, but drawings like
these go a long way to illustrate what customers might be looking for. 
Plus, the mod houses have something else to work toward.

Dave D
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