I'll shut up in a minute ;-D. One enhancement request. Would it be
possible to have an option to not display the Artist Name in compilation
albums if that name is actually 'Various Artists'? I have some albums
where the artist is not known (typically my Children's Music) and the
display would look a lot cleaner if these albums just showed the track
names rather than 'Various Artists - Three Little Speckled Frogs' (Which
is a killer tune by the way ;-D))))




*Squeezebox:* Boom x2 (Lounge and Kitchen), Radio on Christmas List
*Squeezecenter:* 7.4.1 for Windows Home Server (HP EX-475 MediaSmart
Server with 2GB RAM upgrade)
*Plugins:* Dynamic Playlists 2.8.1 | SQL Playlist 2.5 | Music
Information Screen 4.4.5 | Custom Scan 2.7.2 | TrackStat 2.9.1
*Remote:* iPod Touch Gen. 1 running 'iPeng'
Chunkywizard's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=25868
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=66555

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