H Rusak;506495 Wrote: 
> I am about to rip my entire cd collection (1000+) and am wondering which
> format to use.  I was planning on using iTunes to rip cds and then
> stream over wifi to squeezebox touch (when released).  I am thinking it
> best to use WAV (as opposed to Apple Lossless), but are there issues
> with streaming WAV size files (given that Squeezebox is limited to G). 
> Is there a better solution?

FLAC has clear advantages as a solution:
1.  Decent compression level to help streaming bandwidth
2.  Compression is LOSLESS
3.  Native support in SB players
4.  Supports full range of tags (unlike WAV)
5.  Free and not tied to proprietary company

Disadvantage for your plan is the iTunes does not rip to FLAC.  However
several other well designed and supported prograns do such as EAC and

Many, many people here on the forum use FLAC so support for any
quesitons is plentiful.


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