Hi all,

Just like to report my findings using Net::UDAP to configure a SBR on a
wired LAN with DHCP-assigned ipaddr to point to the SqueezeNetwork and
stream music from there.

The perl code doesn't seem to work on Mac OS X Leopard. It seems the
discovery mechanism is the problem. Nothing seems to happen when I ran
`discover'. No info messages showing any activity. Also tried running
broadcast_test.pl on OS X but that also didn't work.

However, I tried again from a Windows XP machine and all went smoothly.
To point the SBR to the SqueezeNetworks service I just did a DNS lookup
of www.squeezenetwork.com and used the first ip addr in the result

In summary, these are the commands I used:

  set interface=1
  set lan_ip_mode=1
  set lan_gateway=
  set primary_dns=
  set secondary_dns=
  set server_address=
  set squeezecenter_address=

After that, I was able to see and control the SBR on mysqueezebox.com.
How awesome is that! Thanks very much for the tool.

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