I have a lot of songs that are not actually part of an album - EPs,
singles, session tracks, freebies from band's sites, etc - so they have
a blank album tag. Squeezebox server doesn't seem to handle this very

When browsing by artist (mostly with iPeng these days) I then get a 'No
Album' entry for each artist for where songs are missing the album tag.
This would be OK if it didn't always show the artist as 'Adam...' - this
being the first one alphabetically - and the cover as a random one each
time I rescan!

(It is even worse when browsing using the web interface where I get a
no album by 'aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, etc...' which includes EVERY artist
with a song without an album tag - more than 200 of them.)

I have successfully used Custom Scan and Custom Browse to create a menu
through which I can browse these songs in a logical manner but I feel
there must be a better way of handling these tracks through the standard

Have I inadvertently changed a setting which is causing this behaviour
or is this normal?

How do other people get round this 'problem'?

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