We need a thank you thread to counterbalance the more negative opinions
on this board, I'll be happy to start out with these thanks :

To Slimdevices/Logitech for making me rediscover my music collection,
yes it took some time to get everything up and running, but hey, I would
have spend that time anyway running around looking for the XYZ CD with
WZX somewhere in the house, which is now available at my SBC , booms or
at the PC either here or in my girlfriends house(on PC & MAC) . Only
need a version which works in my car, that would certainly free up some
space in the glove compartment :-)

To the Developers of plugins, I use SrvPower control to put my server
to sleep when not in use, supergreen :-) and I use custom browse to make
it easier to find the WZX cd I desperatly want to hear. 
And a big thanks to everybody who contributes with ideas and
suggestions on this forum.

Imagine if you had the same possibilities with your washing machine ??
no more mixing up the wrong colors because somebody has written a plugin
to prevent that ;-)

>From the mostly happy Squeezebox user....



SC 7.3.x on Ubuntu 8.02(on old Dell D600 laptop), Duet SBC&SBR + Boom1
+ Boom2, Squeezeplay 7.4.1 on PC & MAC
bebop's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=17061
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=75146

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