bpa;517299 Wrote: 
> You can't without as local SBS to transcode.
> KKJZ is using streamtheworld which used to provide MP3 streams for non
> Flash users.  Recently streamtheworld seem to have added an AAC streams
> for some stations but in the case of KKJZ they have dropped the MP3
> streams - this seems to be the choice of the station since other
> streamtheworld stations kept their MP3 streams.
> Complain to KKJZ that they are losing listeners by not supporting MP3. 
> They will argue about better quality etc. but you should tell the
> station that you will no longer be listening to them.

OK, now I'm a little confused.  Since I'm running Squeezebox Server
7.4.1 on my NAS, can't that do the AAC to MP3 translation (or
transcoding) and send the correct audio feed to my Duet receiver? 
(Obviously I don't understand what bits of the system are doing what.  I
have a Duet with SBS 7.4.1 running on a Synology NAS, btw.)

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